Does The Color Match?
If not what do I do with all those Paint Cans.
The first step is to determine if the any of the paint cans color match your current house colors. I refer to original matching cans of paint as gold. Especially if the cans with paint are labeled as a color match for the walls, ceilings or rooms.
We often get calls from realtors to repair walls and do some touchup painting before a house goes on the market. It's always frustrating trying to get a paint sample to match without cutting a piece off of the wall. Also, paint manufacturers adjust their formulas every few years to keep up with the newest environmental and performance standards. All in all what this means is that the paint that matched perfectly when it was low VOC might be slightly different in sheen or color in the new zero VOC formula.
Well, what should you do if you have identified the cans of paint and determined the paint is not a color match? How do you dispose of all of those extra cans of paint?
First, determine if the paint is oil based or latex. Then separate the paint cans accordingly.
Second, for latex paints and primers, open half empty cans and fill them with kitty litter, sawdust or paper shreds and then leave them open to dry. Dried paint can be disposed of safely into the trash. Personally I like to dump all paint cans over half full into an old 5 gallon bucket (making sure to only fill the bucket only about a third of the way) before adding kitty litter, sawdust or paper shreds.
Third, for oil based paints and primers. Dispose at your local hazohouse. I recommend taking this opportunity to recycle your leftover paint thinners, lacquer thinners or mineral spirits at the same time.